Frequently Asked Questions
Why has the cost of a lot of produce gone up?
While prices have become higher, we are excited that we can now stand behind our produce as being 100% organic.
What are your hours?
Sometimes we modify our hours, however, generally, our hours are 8am - 8pm, 7-days a week. Please call the store to confirm at (831) 685-3334
What are you doing to keep everyone safe from Covid-19?
This is something we take very seriously, however, within a summary, we wipe down the handles of the shopping cart & baskets, practice social distancing — keeping at least 6 feet between other shoppers and store employees — and of course, we all wear our masks whenever we are in the store.
Additionally, we provide our employees with a dedicated area with access to soap, clean running water, and materials for drying their hands.
Lastly, we provide alcohol-based natural hand sanitizers upon entry (which contain at least 60% alcohol) and at stations around ANF for use by both workers and customers.
If you have further questions, please email our store manager directly.