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August Highlight: Orca Bay Seafoods, Inc.

Orca Bay Seafood has provided exceptional seafood choices for more than 30 years. Their success is owed to a winning blend of quality, value and innovation – it’s a formula that distinguishes every level of their business. From their people, to their products, to the clients that they serve, their goal will always be to exceed expectations and to keep the Orca Bay whale synonymous with true quality and customer satisfaction.

Orca Bay's portions are meal-sized and ready for the pan or oven or grill. Thawing instructions are clear and simple and their recipe base keeps on growing. With their state-of-the-art production center in Renton, Washington, Orca Bay is proud to remain one of the great American seafood processors. The premium fish that they bring to you is frozen immediately after harvest at the very peak of freshness. The product is then expressed to a climate-controlled facility where it is skillfully portioned and packed with an unwavering eye towards quality. With a team of over 200 professionals –from fish sawyers to quality assurance specialists to distribution experts – Orca Bay takes tremendous pride in bringing the very finest seafood to your table.

When you see the Orca Bay whale, you know that you’re purchasing the highest quality frozen seafood available – always all natural and additive free. Be it Sockeye from Alaska, Mahi from Ecuador or Swordfish from Singapore, we’re picky about our partnerships. The Orca Bay team travels to the source and makes sure that the attention to detail and commitment to food safety is as solid at the harvest port as it is back at our headquarters. Every incoming lot is tested, and on-pack coding provides us with traceability for each and every product. It’s good to know that when you choose Orca Bay, you’re tapping into a company that has been dedicated to delicious, nutritious, and reliable frozen seafood for over a quarter century.


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