November Highlight: Raw Foods

Have you visited our raw foods section? We carry multiple lines of superfoods, as well as raw food snacks.

Raw foods are uncooked and unprocessed, meaning that they still contain their natural enzymes. Studies have shown raw food diets to help with fatigue, allergies, and headaches, help with digestion, boost energy, boost immunity, and improve memory, combat skin problems…even prevent cancer!
You can read about some essential superfoods below. Make sure to check out our raw foods section and try some new things if you haven’t already.

Acai is a type of berry that comes from Brazil. It is low-glycemic, full of antioxidants, and high in fiber. It is special because of its anti-inflammatory properties. Acai is commonly used in yogurt or smoothies.
Cacao, also rich in antioxidants, provides nutrients that support healthy brain and cardiovascular functions. It can also aid with constipation and iron deficiency. You can use cacao to make delicious baked treats, or to enrich your smoothies and ice cream.
Goji berry is high in antioxidants, Vitamin A, and iron. These berries can be eaten alone as a snack, blended into smoothies, or added to baked goods.
Hemp seeds, or hemp hearts are high in protein. They also offer omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and iron, amongst many other benefits. They can be eaten on their own, sprinkled on top of salads, or blended into smoothies.
Lucuma is a low-glycemic fruit that comes from Peru. It us a mild sweetener that provides calcium and potassium. It is particularly useful for naturally sweetening your food, without spiking blood sugar levels.
Maca comes from a root, and supports the endocrine system. That means that it can act as a hormone balancer. It also helps relieve stress and combats fatigue. It is also high in fiber and contains protein. Maca pairs well with cacao, and goes well mixed in with yogurts and smoothies.
Spirulina is a blue-green algae that cleanses, detoxes, and alkalizes the body. It provides a natural energy boost, can reduce cholesterol as well as blood pressure. Spirulina goes well in juices, smoothies, added to salad dressings, and used as seasonings.