January Highlight: Terra Natural Designs

Terra Natural Designs seek the integration of Social Justice and Conscious Consumption. They offer sustainable alternatives in the Fashion and Gift Industries by using renewable and sustainable materials that help protect and preserve the Amazon Rainforest, while creating opportunities for indigenous cultures in South America to preserve and practice their traditional crafts. They provide 100% handmade products made in Ecuador by more than 25 groups of artisans.
By supporting Terra Natural Designs you are assisting the preservation of the Kechwa, Chuar and Achuar culture (indigenous communities in South America). Crafting jewelry and accessories with sustainable materials is artwork they have developed from generation to generation for hundreds of years.
Terra Natural Designs is committed to create high vibration products for you but also to support the dream of many women in the Amazon Rainforest to have an economic activity that will allow them to give continuity to their lifestyle and culture without having to sell their land or get job opportunities outside their communities.

As a company we have a special commitment to protect indigenous communities and the Amazon Rainforest that they fiercefully defend.
We have been committed since 2008 to empowering indigenous entrepreneur women to sustain and grow their own business, through training and education, supporting their commercial development and their designing process.
We offer a 100% satisfaction guaranteed policy for our retail and wholesale customers. Our product quality should meet your expectations and we strive to make you feel you are making a good investment when you buy our products.