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Sweet & Nutty Mega Bites and PB&J Kabobs for School Lunch

What's for Lunch?

-Sweet and Nutty Mega Bites

-Mini P B& J Fruit Kabobs

-Peas and Corn

-Chocolate Dipped Pretzels and orange segments

Sweet and Nutty Mega Bites


1 Tbsp hemp seeds

1 Tbsp goji berries

1/2 cup or 3/4 cup softened dates

1 cup shredded dried coconut

Wax paper

Saran Wrap

​To soften dates place, dates in bowl and pour hot water into bowl and let soak for 30-60 min

To make

First place almonds and macadamia nuts in a blender or food processor and process until ground. Add all remaining ingredients.

Ladle out mixture into a bowl and knead mixture like you would a ball of dough. Consistency should not be too sticky or dry.

Form into a big ball.

Take small portions and make little balls.

Place them onto a plate lined with wax paper and cover with saran wrap.

Place in the freezer for at least 30 min.

You can store them in the fridge or leave in the freezer. To eat, let them sit out at room temp for at least 10-15 min.

For Mini PB&J fruit kabobs


Peanut butter



Small cookie cutters or cut outs (you can order online or visit DAISO)

Small skewers (also from DAISO or order online)

Assortment of fruit (strawberries and grapes work well)

*You can use variations of Kabobs with cream cheese, different nut butters, honey or Nutella

-Make pb&j sandwich and use cut outs

-Rinse fruit and cut off stems from strawberries, slice in half or quarters

-skewer on mini pb&js, alternating with fruit

For the chocolate dipped oranges and pretzels, click here!

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