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Community Connection: Charlotte Carreira, Wellness Coach

If you come to Aptos Natural Foods' Annual Block Party and 30th Anniversary Celebration on Saturday November 16 (from 12-4pm), you will have a chance to meet Charlotte Carreira in person. There, Carreira will be sharing a table with Curves, where she also works as a fitness coach and manager.

As a wellness coach, she will be talking about, and showing videos of ear candling. Carreira is a certified ear candling practitioner as well as holding certificates in Firewalk Instruction, Medical Intuition Training, Reiki, Master-DNA & Pre-Cognitive ReEducation, Nutrition Response Testing, Massage Therapy, and Early Childhood Education! She also holds an MBA and received her Bachelor degree in psychology.

Carreira has a passion for helping others achieve holistic wellness. One of her favorite tools towards this end is ear candling. She first became interested in ear candling when a partner was suffering from severe, debilitating allergies. Seeing how effective the candling was in making him feel better convinced her of the practice's efficacy and motivated her to become certified. Today, Carreira candles at her home office, or, occasionally, at clients' homes if they face mobility issues.

She also believes that ear candling has the potential to help with such diverse conditions as candida, other digestive challenges, migraines, sexual issues, PMS and other hormonal issues, autoimmune conditions, insomnia, loss of concentration, lack of energy, inflammation, tension, weight fluctuation, and skin issues. According to Carreira, candling helps promote the body's deep healing response. Her one hour sessions include about twenty minutes of candling per ear. The ear contains 3,000 pores and many nerve endings that link back to the lymphatic system. Carreira believes that this practice helps drain the body of toxins. Most clients fall into a deep sleep while the ear candling is taking place. She says this deep rest is an outward sign of the body's connecting to its own healing powers.

One thing Carreira's own business has in common with her employer, Curves, is that each offers a free consultation. Carreira explains that Curves is not a gym, but a place for women to come together and focus on physical wellness. Because Carreira's approach is so holistic, ear candling is just one of her favorite tools for healing. Using her intuition sometimes includes intuitive or card readings, a practice she first saw performed by her grandmother and aunt. After she starts to see a client and becomes aware of their needs, she often collaborates with other practitioners and makes referrals. Her own expertise also includes making nutritional recommendations.

Carreira has been shopping at Aptos Natural Foods for as long as she's been in Aptos. Born in the Santa Cruz mountains, she has spent some of her life on each side of the hill, but currently makes her home in Aptos. She likes Aptos Natural Foods for its small size and integrity, and the way products are already vetted before she shops. She appreciates all the organic and non-GMO food, loves our newsletter, and says the prices are good. She also loves to save gas by buying local, from a locally owned store. She also loves our produce, not only because it's all organic, but because it's all good. Carreira grew up among orchards, canning and drying her own produce, so this is high praise!

Here is Carreira's website. Ear candling is $45 for one, one-hour session, and you can save up to 30% by scheduling five sessions for $175.

Start with a free consultation!

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